Uppgifter | |
Användarnamn | |
Besök | - |
Hemsida | Ingen |
Plats (stad) | |
Senaste besök | 01:00 - 1:a Januari 1970 |
Poster i forumet | |
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Medlem sedan | 01:00 - 1:a Januari 1970 |
Artiklar och filer | |
Den här användaren har inga artiklar eller filer |
Den här användaren har inte skapat någon personlig presentation. |
Python hjälp |
According to Assignment Writers client profile gives a synopsis depicting a gathering of clients. Since the profile is intended to incorporate every one of the clients inside the gathering, the points of interest in the profile for the most part portray reaches or frequencies of reactions. This quantitative photo of a gathering of clients can be important for distinguishing plan and advancement needs, and is regularly a decent beginning stage for client investigation. In any case, the quantitative profile can have a few confinements. Midpoints and extents don't generally give a total or precise picture. For example, discovering that a gathering of 100 clients has a normal age of 35 may prompt unexpected choices in comparison to realizing that 50 clients were age 20 and 50 clients were age 50. Postad 15:05 - 27:e September 2017 |
2025-03-16 06:33
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Senaste inlägget: HAHA MÄNNISKAN LEVER ÄN (13:45 - 18:e Januari 2019, av Hetzz)
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3D (rev: 1, tid: 09:40 - 13:e November 2015)
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