Forum: moralbaserat politiktest.

Forum huvudsida -> Politik -> moralbaserat politiktest.

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vene 18:46 - 22:a Januari 2007 | Post #1
Inlägg: 12

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Här kan ni göra ett politiktest för att se vad ni egentligen står på för sida. Smiley Smiley ;D

Kom ihåg att posta resultaten.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Extreme Socialism
3. Ideologies: International Socialism, Activism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (70.94%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (75.29%), John Kerry (61.41%), George W. Bush (32.65%)

"Tänk på lösningen inte problemet." -Terry Goodkind (Sanningens svärd)
Bli en vampyr du med!

Hetzz 19:12 - 22:a Januari 2007 | Post #2
Inlägg: 516

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hmm det här testet var lite skumt.

Your Score

Your scored -4.5 on the Moral Order axis and 0 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism, Liberalism
Variation: Moral Socialism, Moral Liberalism
Ideologies: Social Democratism, Capital Democratism
US Parties: Democratic Party
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (97.79%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (92.03%), John Kerry (88.95%), George W. Bush (52.56%)


Of the 274861 people who took the test:
1.2% had the same score as you.
36.9% were above you on the chart.
51.7% were below you on the chart.
77.5% were to your right on the chart.
15.9% were to your left on the chart.

hittade det korta testet också

Your Score

Your scored -2 on the Moral Order axis and -2 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:
System: Liberalism
Variation: Moderate Liberalism
Ideologies: Capital Democratism
US Parties: Democratic Party
Presidents: Bill Clinton (92.03%)
2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (95.58%), Ralph Nader (77.90%), George W. Bush (66.34%)

Som indy svarat här nedan så var det svårt att svara på vissa frågor, speciellt då vissa alternativ inte utesluter de andra.


Senast redigerad 19:18 - 22:a Januari 2007

Independence 19:15 - 22:a Januari 2007 | Post #3
Inlägg: 1800

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Your Score

Your scored -5 on the Moral Order axis and 4 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Moral Socialism, Extreme Socialism
3. Ideologies: Social Democratism, Activism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (81.78%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (86.02%), John Kerry (72.05%), George W. Bush (40.54%)

Det var ett knepigt test, skulle säkert kunnat svarat annorlunda på en del frågor. Det var många frågor där jag kunde tänka mig att svara flera olika alternativ samtidigt Smiley


Vi är riddarna som säger fiskbulle!

tobbez 19:16 - 22:a Januari 2007 | Post #4
Inlägg: 364

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Your Score

Your scored -4 on the Moral Order axis and 3 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism
Variation: Moderate Socialism, Moral Socialism
Ideologies: Social Democratism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (86.74%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (87.50%), John Kerry (77.47%), George W. Bush (46.78%)

Independence 19:27 - 22:a Januari 2007 | Post #5
Inlägg: 1800

Skicka PM
Kolla länken vid "understand what this means", stod lite intressant där också:


Vi är riddarna som säger fiskbulle!

ozamosi 19:48 - 22:a Januari 2007 | Post #6
Inlägg: 1129

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Fantastiskt. Min "bästa" amerikanska president är... håll i er! Jimmy Carter! Han måste ha gjort jävligt mycket bra, eftersom alla som tagit testet fått honom...

Your Score

Your scored -3.5 on the Moral Order axis and 6 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Economic Socialism
3. Ideologies: International Socialism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (73.39%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (75.29%), John Kerry (64.58%), George W. Bush (38.56%)


nibbo 20:22 - 22:a Januari 2007 | Post #7
Inlägg: 446

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Your Score

Your scored -2 on the Moral Order axis and -4 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Liberalism
2. Variation: Moderate Liberalism, Economic Liberalism
3. Ideologies: Capital Democratism
4. US Parties: Democratic Party
5. Presidents: Bill Clinton (95.06%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (90.12%), Ralph Nader (71.70%), George W. Bush (68.75%)


Of the 274916 people who took the test:

1. 0.4% had the same score as you.
2. 75% were above you on the chart.
3. 20.3% were below you on the chart.
4. 48.6% were to your right on the chart.
5. 30.5% were to your left on the chart.

Inte helt likt alla andra här Smiley

Ja! Det är en ,,KTA pungsvansknapp på min avatar!

_0D_0A 13:38 - 23:e Januari 2007 | Post #8
Inlägg: 21

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Your Score

Your scored -4 on the Moral Order axis and 5 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Economic Socialism, Extreme Socialism
3. Ideologies: Social Democratism, International Socialism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (77.90%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (80.24%), John Kerry (68.75%), George W. Bush (40.54%)


Of the 275126 people who took the test:

1. 0.3% had the same score as you.
2. 7.1% were above you on the chart.
3. 90.7% were below you on the chart.
4. 77.5% were to your right on the chart.
5. 15.9% were to your left on the chart.

sdac 14:10 - 20:e Mars 2007 | Post #9
Inlägg: 235

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Your Score

Your scored -2 on the Moral Order axis and -4 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Liberalism
2. Variation: Moderate Liberalism, Economic Liberalism
3. Ideologies: Capital Democratism
4. US Parties: Democratic Party
5. Presidents: Bill Clinton (95.06%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (90.12%), Ralph Nader (71.70%), George W. Bush (68.75%)

vene 16:48 - 21:a April 2007 | Post #10
Inlägg: 12

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Jo, visst. Det är lite konstigt ibland. Men rätt kul, iaf.

"Tänk på lösningen inte problemet." -Terry Goodkind (Sanningens svärd)
Bli en vampyr du med!

Bookia 18:14 - 21:a April 2007 | Post #11
Inlägg: 44

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OJ....jag fick intressanta resultat:

Your scored -3 on the Moral Order axis and 3 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Moderate Socialism
3. Ideologies: Social Democratism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (86.02%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (84.07%), John Kerry (77.90%), George W. Bush (50.00%)


Of the 307536 people who took the test:

1. 0.8% had the same score as you.
2. 13.3% were above you on the chart.
3. 81.9% were below you on the chart.
4. 69.6% were to your right on the chart.
5. 22.4% were to your left on the chart.

Nader fattar jag, men hur fan kan det stämma att jag är till 50% lika till dubya. Den apan har ingen tankeförmåga överhuvutaget. De få hjärnceller som han inte supit eller knarkat bort är på en amöbas nivå ju. Smiley

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star.

Senast redigerad 18:18 - 21:a April 2007

ozamosi 18:23 - 21:a April 2007 | Post #12
Inlägg: 1129

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Vi är väl mer eller mindre baserade på amöbor - det är väl frågan hur högt man värderar den biten...


fritte 15:19 - 22:a April 2007 | Post #13
Inlägg: 23

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Your scored -3.5 on the Moral Order axis and 5 on the Moral Rules axis.

The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism
Variation: Economic Socialism
Ideologies: Social Democratism, International Socialism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (77.79%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (79.15%), John Kerry (68.99%), George W. Bush (42.00%)

derfian 15:53 - 22:a April 2007 | Post #14
Inlägg: 149

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Your Score

Your scored -2 on the Moral Order axis and 3 on the Moral Rules axis.


The following items best match your score:

1. System: Socialism
2. Variation: Moderate Socialism
3. Ideologies: Social Democratism
4. US Parties: No match.
5. Presidents: Jimmy Carter (84.07%)
6. 2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (80.24%), John Kerry (77.47%), George W. Bush (53.02%)


Of the 307803 people who took the test:

1. 0.6% had the same score as you.
2. 13.3% were above you on the chart.
3. 81.9% were below you on the chart.
4. 48.9% were to your right on the chart.
5. 30.4% were to your left on the chart

Jag känner på mig att jag har gjort något sånt här förut.

...och att Bush får 50% säger väl mer om det amerikanska systemet än om sina egna åsikter.

Belsebubben 18:31 - 22:a April 2007 | Post #15
Inlägg: 76

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Your Score
Your scored -2.5 on the Moral Order axis and 3.5 on the Moral Rules axis.

The following items best match your score:
System: Socialism
Variation: Moderate Socialism
Ideologies: Social Democratism
US Parties: No match.
Presidents: Jimmy Carter (83.17%)
2004 Election Candidates: Ralph Nader (80.99%), John Kerry (75.59%), George W. Bush (49.90%)

Tycker inte att min passar riktigt in. Men jag får väll rösta på sossarna så att mitt testresultat inte blir fel.

/me börjar lyssna på punk/prog för att komma in i sitt nya fack

Das Blinkencomp, jag väljer dig!

Independence 18:35 - 22:a April 2007 | Post #16
Inlägg: 1800

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Alla verkar bli socialister.. det där testet är nog lite vinklat/endast gjort för den amerikanska befolkningen (där vänster är höger om moderaterna osvSmiley )


Vi är riddarna som säger fiskbulle!

Belsebubben 18:46 - 22:a April 2007 | Post #17
Inlägg: 76

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Nja, det korta testet var nog lite bättre, där hamnade jag ganska rätt skulle jag gissa.

Your Score
Your scored -6 on the Moral Order axis and -2 on the Moral Rules axis.

The following items best match your score:
System: Liberalism
Variation: Moral Liberalism
Ideologies: Progressivism
US Parties: Democratic Party, Green Party
Presidents: John F Kennedy (95.58%)
2004 Election Candidates: John Kerry (86.74%), Ralph Nader (86.74%), George W. Bush (49.61%)

Das Blinkencomp, jag väljer dig!

Rejected 12:56 - 26:e April 2007 | Post #18
Inlägg: 22

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Politik har inget med moral att gjöra så de så.

Independence 13:40 - 26:e April 2007 | Post #19
Inlägg: 1800

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    Citat av Rejected:
Politik har inget med moral att gjöra så de så.

Som i den andra tråden: du argumenterar inte för din sak, du bara säger något och antar att alla ska lita på att du är allvetande? Förklara varför.


Vi är riddarna som säger fiskbulle!

ozamosi 18:25 - 26:e April 2007 | Post #20
Inlägg: 1129

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Fast gör det i DEN tråden är du snäll.


Quiverra 07:51 - 6:e Oktober 2008 | Post #21
Inlägg: 11

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-2 on Moral Order and 3.5 on Moral Rules.

System: Socialism
Ideology: Social Democratism
Party: No match.
Presidents: Jimmy Carter
04' Election: David Cobb
08' Election: Barrack Obama

Of the 486,046 respondents (5,905 on Facebook):

3% are close to you.
46% are more conservative.
24% are more liberal.
8% are more socialist.
3% are more authoritarian.


Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one

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